The new era of digitalisation is also affecting Dental Laboratories, bringing improvements in the management and organization of work, increasing the quality of what is offered.
Choosing to orient one's activity towards digital technology and focusing on a dental Cad Cam system actually means improving communication also with dental practices, speeding it up and making the passage of information more complete and precise. All these factors put together will be an addictional weapon for the Laboratory to obtain functional and repeatable artefacts.
Keeping up with the times has therefore become a real duty today for those who wish to be competitive in the face of their competitors, but also to provide dental practices with a comprehensive service and support that will enable them to ensure the most appropriate treatment for each patient.
What are the advantages for a digitised laboratory?
If we want to talk about digitisation, it is important to highlight the advantages of this modern orientation. Let us remember, however, that the gains obtained will not only involve the laboratory itself, but also, following the work process, dental practices and ultimately patients, who will be able to avail themselves of precise and perfect solutions to their problems.
This is because in fact the working improvements made in the dental laboratory will be evidenced in the manufactured products and, consequently, supplied to the dentists who treat individual patients. In this way, the dental practice will also benefit, as it will be able to rely on a highly specialised and valid laboratory.
Here, then, is a list of the advantages of a digitised dental laboratory relying on a Cad-Cam system and the associated workflow.
- Speeding up the data flow ensured by faster communication between the practice and laboratory thanks to digital communication. All 'dead' times from the taking of the traditional impression to its delivery will in fact be cut down thanks to acquisition by scanner and special software. By sending fingerprints via file.
- Increased security: The digitisation of the laboratory allows working with files. This makes it possible to avoid direct contact with classic impressions.
- Faster but, above all, precise planning related to the receipt of extremely detailed data and, where insufficient, only a few minutes are needed to complete it
- Reduced processing times for the laboratory which, thanks to ad hoc software and equipment, will create the artefacts to be sent to the dentist. The latter will in turn be able to provide accurate solutions to patients, who will be fully satisfied with the results.
In short, it is clear that a digitally oriented dental laboratory can be considered a better partner than one that only uses traditional working methods. This is because today's world is more and more demanding, highly precise and quality solutions are desired in the shortest possible time. All this is achievable today, the important thing is to invest in the best proposals, those that are valid and truly tailored to the needs and work of the dental technician.