SINCRO88: The Future of Digital Dentistry




Digital technology has now become an integral part of the daily routine of the dental team. SINCRO88 is the new software developed by 88dent – Commercial Division of 8853 S.p.A – designed to enable deeper connection and communication among the entire dental team.


Our experience in this field has seen us working alongside laboratories, providing equipment and training over the past two decades, during which the digital aspect has increasingly manifested itself.

Today, with the advent of digital scanning and 3D imaging acquisition, the scope expands, forcing operators to share more and more sensitive data. Almost all applications are equipped with a cloud system that allows connection between users, although they are still required to have multiple accounts and a certain level of competence to navigate various systems.

We are living in a time where communication is increasingly crucial, not only among operators, allowing them significant time savings, but also towards patients. The latter, increasingly informed thanks to the web, seek professionals who guarantee not only excellent treatments but also active involvement in their therapeutic journey, offering digital tools that best explain the path to be undertaken.

This is what we have understood as we have been entering the dental market for some years now, initially approached with our historic Pocket Laser and later with intraoral scanners. We have thus realized the need to create a flow that invites digital dentistry users to share a secure space.

From these reflections, SINCRO88 was born, a dynamic and modular platform that connects software and equipment, useful for building an effective service, a functional prosthesis, and persuasive communication, all supported by a server located in Italy, owned by us, without being forced to upload sensitive patient data to spaces allocated around the world.




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The connections among the Dental Team, Dental Technicians, Digital Production Centers, and Modeling Specialists will become seamless, immediate, and efficient with the use of Sicro88.

Furthermore, we embrace the concept of Industry 5.0, an evolution of Industry 4.0, which focuses on enhanced collaboration between humans and machines through advanced technologies, emphasizing human centrality, sustainability, and resilience. While Industry 4.0 primarily dealt with automation, digital system integration, and data collection, Industry 5.0 aims to balance technology with human skills, highlighting human intelligence and creativity.

If you wish to receive more information about SINCRO88 and other products/services aimed at the Dental Team, please fill out the form, and one of our Sales Consultants will contact you.